Pink Princess and other glamourous indoor beauties


My latest plant fascination is with Pink Princess (Philodendron erubescens).

A Philodendron with heart shaped leaves and a stunning pink variegation. I couldn’t resist the images of lolly-pink leaves and now find myself waiting for each new leaf to unfurl with great anticipation. It’s made the list as one of the most desirable indoor plants of the moment and is being snapped up by enthusiasts everywhere.

Indoor plants have become hugely popular.  Research shows that plants can enhance our general health and wellbeing enormously. They help connect us back to nature and make us feel more relaxed. They help reduce stress and can increase productivity… not to mention being a stylish addition to any home.  

So why not inject some plant glamour into your place and reap some of those health and wellbeing benefits? Here are 5 ways to add green glamour into your indoor space.

Top of the list for indoor plant style are larger or mature plants. Fill a bare corner with a palm such as the slower growing Kentia Palm (Howea forsteriana) or Giant Bird of Paradise (Strelitzia nicolai). They both do well inside and make a great focal point.


Ferns are a great addition to a space. They have lush, tropical and interesting foliage and there is plenty of variety to choose from. The Boston Fern is a great choice and one of the easier varieties to grow. It looks great in a hanging basket or anywhere it can ‘spill over’. The birds nest fern is another popular choice with its shiny, attractive fronds and tropical lush feel.


Calatheas, with their interesting leaf markings, lush looking peace lillies - known for improving air quality, coloured foliage plants such as Arrowheads, Pink Princess and plants with different leaf shapes all make a graphic statement. Take your pick or put a few together to give an eye-catching display.

Climbing or trailing plants add another dimension to your indoor plant collection and are great in an apartment or small space. String of Pearls, String of Beans, Devil’s Ivy or Pothos, Chain of Hearts are all wonderful in a hanging basket or planter, or on a shelf that allows them to trail or spill over. The Swiss Cheese Vine in particular is a real attention grabber! With heart shaped leaves with perforations or holes that resemble Swiss cheese, it’s a more petite version of it’s larger relative, Monstera deliciosa. It can be trained it to climb a trellis or trail around a room. Add it to your wishlist!

Pink Princess and other glamourous indoor beauties

Mother-In-Law’s-Tongue is not only a good structural plant used extensively in landscaping and interior design these days, but also earns points as a plant that helps purify the air. Succulents are also good at adding in some texture. So many to choose from, hardy and low maintenance, there is one that will suit you.


Add in some elegant planters or make use of a quirky piece of furniture to showcase those indoor beauties and enjoy a greener way of living.  

If you’d like to chat about a project or would like some design advice, give me a call.

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